Preparing and Sending a Float Plan

  1. Name your float plan. (required)

  2. Vessel (required)

    Select a vessel from the drop-down menu. Add new vessels in the "Preferences" section or add them directly from the float plan preparation form by clicking the icon to the left of the Vessel dropdown label.

  3. Operator (required)

    Select an operator from the drop-down menu. Add new operators in the "Preferences" section or add them directly from the float plan preparation form by clicking the icon to the left of the Operator dropdown label.

  4. Email (optional)

    Enter an email if you are able to receive messages from that account while at sea.

  5. Select a Rescue Authority and Enter a Rescue Authority Phone number (required)

    We have compiled a complete list of all regional USCG recue authorties for the United States. Select a rescue authority by clicking the link labeled 'Click Here to Select a Rescue Authority' located to the right of the "Select a Rescue Authority" label. This will open a new window. Select the rescue authority closest to the area you will be sailing in by clicking the link labeled 'Select'.

  6. Departing From Location and Time (required)

    To use the hailing port of your vessel click the check-box labeled 'use hailing port' on the right of the the "Departing" label or enter one manually. To enter your departure time click on the form field and select the date and time you will be departing at.

  7. Departing From Time-Zone (required)

    Select a Time-Zone from the drop-down menu. In order for us to send your float plans and arrival messages to your contacts at the correct time we need the time-zones you will be sailing in.

  8. Returning to Location and Time (required)

    To use your vessel's hailing port click the check-box on the right of the the "Returning" label or enter one manually. To enter your return time click on the form field and select the date and time you will be returning.

  9. Returning to Time-Zone (required)

    Select a time-zone from the drop-down menu. In order for us to send your float plans and arrival messages to your contacts at the correct time we need the time-zones you will be sailing in.

  10. Food (optional)

    How many days supply of food per person do you have on-board?

  11. Water (optional)

    How many days supply of water per person do you have on-board?

  12. Notes (optional)

    Enter any notes or special instructions that the rescue authority should be aware of.

  13. Passengers (optional)

    To add a passenger click on the passenger's name and drag it to the box on the right or to the box below if you are using a smart-phone. To remove it drag it back to it's original position. Add new passengers in the "Preferences" section or add them directly from the float plan preparation form by clicking the icon located on the upper right side just above the box to the right or below if on a smart-phone.

  14. Contacts (optional)

    To add a contact click on the contact's name and drag it to the box on the right or to the box below if you are using a smart-phone. To remove it drag it back to it's original position. Add new contacts in the "Preferences" section or add them directly from the float plan preparation form by clicking the icon located in the upper right side just above the box to the right or below if on a smart-phone. If you do not select a contact you will be prompted to select one when you save your float plan. If you choose to continue without adding a contact a new window will open allowing you to download your float plan to your computer. It will not be sent to anyone and arrival messages will not be sent.

  15. Waypoints (optional)

    To add a waypoint click on the icon located right of the waypoint's name. To remove it click on the icon located left of the added waypoint. To add arrival and departure times click the corresponding button below the waypoint's name. Add some additional information about your activities while at the waypoint by clicking the "Add. Info" button below the waypoint's name. Add new waypoints in the "Preferences" section or add them directly from the float plan preparation form by clicking the icon located in the upper right side just above the box to the right or below if on a smart-phone. Waypoints may be used multiple times in the same float plan.

  16. Save & Send

    Click the button labeled Save & Send located on the upper-right side next to the float plan form. A new window will open displaying a preview of the email being sent to your contacts along with a link to download your float plan. Click the Send button to have your float plan delivered immediately to you and your contacts. To schedule delivery click the "Send Later" radio button located at the top of the window. Select the date and time you wish to have your plan delivered and then click Send.


  1. Click the "Check-In" link that was sent in your confimation email to check-in from any device, smart-phone, tablet, desktop or laptop. Float Plan Emails will be sent to your contacts informing them of your safe return.

  2. Navigate to your Float Plans and click the Float Plan's icon to check-in. Emails will be sent to your contacts informing them of your safe return.